Lilja PTO Newsletter (09/24/23)


  • Monday 9/25: Yom Kippur - No School

  • Wednesday 9/27: Lilja PTO Meeting - 7pm - Open to All!

  • Tuesday 10/3: Lilja School Picture Day

  • Monday 10/9: Columbus Day/Indigenous People's Day - No School

  • Wednesday 10/25: Early Release Day - 12:15pm

  • Sunday 10/29: Morning Mischief - 10am-12pm (details below)

2023-2024 NPS Calendar


Trunk or Treat is back - mark your calendars for Sunday, October 29th from 10am - Noon!

We need your help to make this event happen! Check out the sign up links below to host a trunk or treat car or volunteer to help out in other ways at the event!



Our first meeting of the year will be this Wednesday, Sept 27th at 7pm in the Lilja Library. We encourage everyone to attend to learn more about what we do and how you might help in whatever way you can!

We have a few more spots open on our board, and we are also looking for people to help out with some of our awesome events throughout the year (Trunk or Treat, the Lilja Carnival, the Book Fair, Yearbook, etc). These events are much beloved, and have a foundation already in place. All we need is YOU to make it all happen! Even if you can only help in a small way, every little bit counts toward making a memorable experience for our Lilja Lions.

Please reach out to the PTO at if you have questions or want more information!


Did you know we have spirit wear for sale? Click the button below to snag your Lilja swag!

Want to learn more about the PTO? Have a question or suggestion?
Contact our team at
Visit us online at
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram
Donate to the PTO

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